Brookings OR
Members: 40
Program Title: Dimensions
Vectors, Volume, Velocity... these things make up Dimensions! Broaden your horizons and expect the unexpected as The Brookings-Harbor Bruin Band is proud to present to you their 4th competitive marching band field show, "Dimensions!"
Design Staff:
- Lewis Norfleet -- Music & Show Design
- Mike Anderson -- Drill & Show Design
- Lucy Ireland -- Choreography
- Jerry Thomas -- Percussion
Instructional Staff:
- Corey Tamondong -- Director
- Makeala Schiro -- Guard Director
- Cua Lee -- Assistant Director/ Front Ensemble Coach
- Alyssa Strasser -- Guard Coach
- Claire Jenkin -- Guard Coach
- Heather Strasser -- Visual Tech
- Alana Hatch -- Percussion Coach
Student Leaders:
- Lily Sandefur -- Drum Major
- Avery Nidiffer -- Battery Captain
- Lily Woodside -- Assistant Drum Major
- Daisy Sandefur -- Front Ensemble Captain
- Savannah Sroufe -- Color Guard Captain
- Abbi Phillippe -- Brass Captain
- Shaun McGuinness -- Brass Captain/ Equipment Manager
- Kylee Brissette -- Secretary
- Bodhi Drager -- Librarian