Phoenix OR
Members: 43
Program Title: Medusa
Slither into the shadowed realm of ancient legends with Medusa, a riveting four-part production by Randall Standridge. Part 1, "The Curse," sets the tone, chronicling Medusa's haunting metamorphosis from beauty to beast. In Part 2, "Perseus," we encounter the fearless hero, destined to confront the dreaded Gorgon. "The Lair of the Gorgon," the third part, evokes an atmosphere thick with suspense and foreboding, leading us to the climactic Part 4, "The Battle," where hero and monster meet in a fateful showdown
Design Staff:
- Bret Eason -- Drill Design and Choreography
- Maggie Taylor-Cheek -- Drill Design and Choreography
Instructional Staff:
- Bret Eason -- Assistant Director
- Maggie Taylor-Cheek -- Color Guard
- Kim Porter -- Color Guard
- Scott Morrison -- Percussion
- Michael Spencer -- Percussion
- Lindsay Randall -- Percussion
- Brian Randall -- Percussion
Student Leaders:
- Zia Lunoak -- Drum Major
- Violet Cole -- Drum Major
- Hollie Price -- Color Guard Captain
- Kaitlyn Durbin -- Percussion Captain