Jaycee Bentley


Jaycee Clarke Bentley is currently a Physical Therapist at the Intermountain Hospital in an outpatient setting. She has been involved in the WGI Sport of the Arts activity for nearly thirty two years. She has performed with a number of world class organizations including The Blue Devils, The Santa Clara Vanguard and the Tony Award winning Broadway show BLAST!. She has also performed with Fantasia and the 1998 WGI World Champion Blue Devils Winterguard. Mrs. Bentley has made her reputation in teaching excellence with such groups as Chaparral High School from Temecula CA, Westview High School from Beaverton OR and Mt. Carmel High School from San Diego. who were the 2008 WGI Scholastic A silver medalist.

Mrs. Bentley currently judges throughout the United States with organizations such as, Northwest Pageantry Association, Texas Winterguard Circuit, Utah Winterguard Circuit and the Winter Guard Association of California.

Originally from Vancouver Washington she graduated from California State University San Marcos and obtained her Doctorate of Physical Therapy from the University of St. Augustine in San Marcos California. She currently lives in Salt Lake City with her husband, son and puppy Baxter.