Alice Hays


Alice has participated in competitive music activities since 1987. She received the bulk of her experience with the Southern California Velvet Knights Drum and Bugle Corps in the late '80s early '90s although she also had valuable experiences with The Musketeers and Anozira-both from Arizona. While she began her journey in the percussion section, she ultimately transitioned into winter guard and color guard. She taught a number of color guards in Arizona, as well as the Colts Drum and Bugle Corps color guard. As the founding president of the Winter Guard Assocation of Arizona, she saw a need for judges while the circuit was in its infant stages. She, along with other founding board members, brought in multiple experts to train judges, and her own judging knowledge and experience grew along with the circuit over the last 20 years. 2018 will be Alice's second year of judging for WGI. Alice recently began a new career as an Assistant Professor of Education at California State University, Bakersfield.